About Us

Life-saving, life-changing and life-enhancing
挽救生命 改变命运

Heart to Heart is a special fund of Ren De Foundation.  We are Shanghai based, but provide corrective surgery for Chinese children from all over China with congenital heart disease (CHD) whose parents are unable to afford the surgery.  To date H2H has sponsored over 3,338 children for heart surgery. The surgeries not only saved their lives, but transformed the lives of their families.

Heart to Heart is proud of the fact that we are and always have been a 100% volunteer organization. We have no paid employees. We also have a $0 operating budget which means that 100% of donations are spent for surgeries. Sponsors are given documentation on where their donations were spent and can also visit the children while the children are in the hospital for their surgery. Sponsoring a child is a truly moving experience.

How did Heart to Heart evolve?

  • In June 2003 H2H began as a hospital play group
  • In 2004 we began collecting donations to sponsor a child for surgery
  • In 2005 Heart to Heart sponsored the first 2 children for heart surgery
  • In 2006 we started going on field trips to visit previously sponsored children
  • In 2006 we also set up the rural library program
  • In 2013 the group volunteering program started
  • In 2014 a food bank/card program was started for families in the hospital
  • In 2017 H2H became a special fund of Ren De Foundation
  • In 2019 the rural school sports equipment program was started

About CHD

Congenital Heart Defects: The Basics

A congenital heart defect (CHD) is a defect of the heart that is present at birth, meaning children are born with the problem rather than acquiring it later in life. There are many kinds of CHDs ranging from those that are very minor and may go undetected for many years to others that are very serious and require immediate intervention.

Defects can occur inside the heart or in the large blood vessels outside the heart. One surgery may be enough to repair a heart defect, but sometimes a series of procedures are needed as the child grows and develops. The doctors can use different approaches depending on the severity and location of the defect. In some cases, a special tube is used to perform the surgery through an artery in the groin (cardiac catheter) resulting in a much faster recovery period. Other defects may require a closed heart surgery (thoracotomy) where the surgeon makes an incision between the ribs on the side of the body. The third option is the most invasive surgery;  it is a full open-heart procedure requiring a sternotomy or incision right down the middle of the breastbone and commonly a heart-lung bypass machine. The most common types of CHDs will be discussed in detail below.

Heart Structure

A normal heart consists of 4 chambers – 2 atria and 2 ventricles. The main pumping chamber of the heart is the left ventricle.  It pumps oxygenated blood up to the aorta to go right around the whole body and to be returned by veins to the right side of the heart and lungs to pick up more oxygen before the process starts all over again. CHDs can happen in many different areas of the heart and blood vessels. This simple diagram shows the main heart structures and how they relate to each other.

Types of CHD

As mentioned, there are many different types of CHDs ranging from minor (which may not even be picked up until school) to extremely serious and complicated (usually picked up immediately or shortly after birth). In many cases, the family may know of the CHD but may not be able to afford the surgery and so the child progresses and things may worsen until H2H can step in to assist. The most common types of CHD are described briefly below.

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)

Before birth, a blood vessel runs between the aorta (the main artery to move oxygenated blood around the body) and the pulmonary artery (the main artery to the lungs) and is called the ductus arteriosus. Normally this small vessel closes shortly after birth when a baby starts to breathe on their own. If it does not close, it is called a patent ductus arteriosus, meaning it is still “patent” or open. This type of CHD can be often fixed using the less invasive types of procedures with a small device being passed through a catheter to block or tie off the PDA or sometimes they close themselves after a few months.

Coarctation of the Aorta

Coarctation of the aorta occurs when a part of the aorta has a very narrow section, making it difficult for blood to get through to be pumped around the body. Over time, it can lead to other problems such as extremely high blood pressure. To repair this defect a thoracotomy is often needed and the narrow part of the aorta patched, stented or replaced.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)

The atrial septum is the wall between the left and right atria (upper chambers) of the heart. A hole(s) in that wall is called an ASD. In the presence of this defect, blood with and without oxygen can be mixed up and over time can cause problems and abnormal heart rhythms. Sometimes, an ASD can be closed without open-heart surgery using a catheter or thoracotomy to patch up the hole. If the defect is more difficult, open-heart surgery may also be done to repair an ASD using stitches.

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)

The ventricular septum is the wall between the left and right ventricles (lower chambers) of the heart. A hole(s) in the ventricular septum is called a VSD. This hole lets blood with oxygen mix with used blood returning to the lungs. Over time, irregular heartbeats and other heart problems can happen if the defect is not fixed. This is performed in a similar way to the ASDs described above.

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)

TOF is generally a more serious type of CHD and involves a group of 4 (“tetra”) defects in the heart.  These include a VSD, pulmonary stenosis (narrowing), a misplaced aorta and a thickened right ventricle. Often more than one surgery may be necessary over time starting with a shorter procedure to provide some relief before a longer operation afterwards.

Transposition of the Great Vessels (TGV)

In a normal heart, the aorta comes from the left side of the heart, and the pulmonary artery comes from the right side. In TGV, these arteries come from the opposite sides of the heart. The child may often also have other birth defects. Correcting TGV requires full open-heart surgery and is often performed shortly after birth. The most common repair is called an arterial switch where the vessels are connected to where they should be for normal heart functioning.

Other rarer conditions  

There are many other rarer CHDs which may occur in isolation or in various combinations, including problems with heart valves, the heart muscle (hypertrophy) or the blood vessels in and around the heart.

CHD in China

A recent study has been the largest prevalence study ever performed about CHD in China (Qu-Ming et al; 2019). This study revealed statistics on the number of births affected by CHD in China to be similar to those in western culture at approximately 9 births per 1,000. Although there was a slight tendency towards higher numbers of females, males were affected more severely by CHD. VSDs and ASDs were the highest rate of CHDs at 3 per 1,000 and 1.7 per 1,000 respectively. The other CHDs were not as common.

CHDs can also be part of other syndromes and abnormalities, such as Downs Syndrome, in which half of the children also have a PDA, VSD, ASD or TOF as part of the syndrome when they are born.

H2H aims to help as many Chinese children as possible with CHD – regardless of the type of defect. We need your help to raise money for these surgeries.  Even though we help more children each year, we will continue to need your support.  Thousands of Chinese children are born to families who can’t afford the surgeries each year; we would love to help all those who need it!

Our Projects

Thousands of Chinese children are born with congenital heart defects (CHD) each year. These defects usually require heart surgery. Many rural families have no health insurance or savings to pay for the surgery nor can they earn enough to save the amount needed. Without surgery the children will die due to failing hearts or secondary causes. In addition, life is compromised for the children since they are often unable to walk to school, which is necessary in most rural villages. Their families are also in dire straits since the children require frequent trips to the hospital as well as expensive medicine.

H2H provides corrective  heart surgery for these children. Their families must provide an official low income certificate and other documentation to qualify for assistance.  An average family who qualifies for this program makes between 5,000 – 30,000 RMB per annum combined family income. H2H contributes 30,000 RMB towards each such surgery. This amount usually either pays for the entire surgery or provides enough funds to enable the child’s family to be able to finance the remainder of the funds necessary.

To date H2H has sponsored over 3,338 children for heart surgery. The surgeries not only saved their lives, but transformed the lives of their families. We are proud of the fact that we are a 100% volunteer organization. We have no paid employees. We also have a $0 operating budget which means that 100% of donations are spent for surgeries. Sponsors are given documentation on where their donations were spent and can also visit the children while the children are in the hospital for their surgery. Sponsoring a child is a truly moving experience.

Project Background Visits to our sponsored children’s rural homes and schools made us aware of their very basic living and educational environments. Most books and educational aids are old. Discussions with headmasters and local educational officials revealed that little funding is available to  for library books which stimulate a child’s desire to read and/or computers.  We established that RMB 20, 000 would purchase a large selection of library books of this type and computers. We also found it would be most appropriate and cost effective if the headmasters select and purchase the books needed on credit with a regional supplier.  Heart to Heart would then pay the supplier.

School SelectionBefore a school is selected for this project, Rende Heart to Heart must receive the RMB 20,000 donation.   The required RMB 20,000 can be from a single sponsor or a combination of donations of lesser amounts.  We rely on the same agencies that source children for our congenital heart surgery sponsorship project to investigate which schools are in most need of school library books and/or computers.  These agencies are asked to visit the schools to investigate their needs and to provide Rende Heart to Heart with full information on the schools.

Heart to Heart Audit.  Rende H2H checks to make sure the RMB 20,000 donation is correctly spent on school library books, computers, or incidentals needed for the library.  To do this we combine our quarterly provincial sponsored children visits with library books presentation ceremonies. Generally, the books are purchased just before our visit and the supplier is on hand ready to receive payment.  Rende H2H requires that we receive a manifest of all purchases and a full receipt (fapiao) before we hand over the cash for payment. We also ask that all purchases be available for our spot check audit.

Library Book Sponsors: Reports.  When a sponsor makes a payment to Rende H2H, the sponsor is given an approximate date that their donation will be used. At this time the name of the school is not available. Once the selection procedure has been finalised and dates confirmed for our visit, the sponsor is advised of the name and the location of the school selected for their sponsorship. The sponsor is invited to accompany us on our field trip to visit the school and to take part in the presentation ceremony. During the presentation ceremony, the school is presented with a bookplate stamp bearing the library books’ sponsor’s name.

Once the field trip has been completed, the library book sponsorship record is finalized.  A copy of this report along with a copy of the paid invoice (if required) is given to the sponsor.  The report has the full contact details for the school along with an observer’s report as to its condition and needs. Should the sponsor wish to give the school further support we encourage them to do so and provide contact details of the sponsored school.

As of August 2024 Rende H2H has sponsored and/or facilitated the sponsorship of 167 rural school libraries.

Project Background.  To date Rende Heart to Heart has dedicated 167 rural school libraries.  That means that 167 schools which really needed books, computers, and other learning aids now have them.  The program seems to be flourishing.  While talking with headmasters and students about other things their schools need, we found that most are trying to develop their athletics programs as well.  Chinese students are renowned for their dedication to studying, but it seems that more and more children are out of shape because they don’t get enough exercise.  This is true in the cities and countryside alike.  The government is building tracks and other things to help the schools, but most schools also want more practical things to make exercise attractive to students – ping pong tables, badminton sets, footballs, jump ropes, etc.  These are easily purchased and are very cheap for the schools to order.  We’ve found that RMB 5,000 covers a wide variety of things they need.

School SelectionBefore a school is selected for this project, Rende H2H must receive the RMB 5,000 donation.   The required RMB 5,000 can be from a single sponsor or a combination of donations of lesser amounts.  We rely on the same agencies that source our rural school libraries to investigate which schools are in most need of sporting equipment.  These agencies are asked to visit with the schools to investigate their needs and to provide Rende H2H with full information on the “need” level of the schools.

Heart to Heart Audit.  Rende H2H checks to make sure the RMB 5,000 donation is correctly spent on sports equipment.  To do this we combine our library dedication ceremonies with the dedication of sports equipment.  Generally, the equipment is purchased just before our visit …and the supplier is on hand ready to receive payment.  Rende H2H requires that we receive a manifest of all purchases and a full receipt (fapiao) before we hand over the cash for payment. We also ask that all purchases be available for our spot check audit.

Sporting Equipment Sponsors: Reports.  When a sponsor makes a payment to Rende H2H, the sponsor is given an approximate date that their donation will be used. At that time the name of the school is not available. Once the selection procedure has been finalised and dates confirmed for our visit, the sponsor is advised of the name and the location of the school selected for their sponsorship. The sponsor is invited to accompany us on our field trip to visit the school and to take part in the presentation ceremony. During the presentation ceremony, the school is presented with a small plaque bearing the sports equipment’s sponsor’s name.

Once the field trip has been completed, the record is finalized.  A copy of the report along with a copy of the paid invoice (if required) is given to the sponsor.  The report has the full contact details for the school along with an observer’s report as to its condition and needs. Numerous pictures are also sent.  Should the sponsor wish to give the school further support we encourage them to do so and can provide contact details of the local support agencies that may be of assistance.

As of today Rende H2H has sponsored and/or facilitated the sponsorship of 27 rural school sports packages.

For additional information please contact:

Karen Carrington, Executive Director

Email:  execdirector@h2hsh.net

Rende Heart to Heart focuses on helping Chinese children obtain heart surgery when their families don’t have insurance or the means to pay for the surgery.  What most people don’t realize, however, is that when a child and his/her family come to Shanghai for surgery, the family has little to no money to be able to stay anywhere or to eat.  They will be in Shanghai anywhere from 2 weeks to several months while their child has and recovers from surgery. This is definitely a problem.    The idea to support not just surgery for our sponsored children, but to help their families has always been a red light flashing in our minds.  The accommodation problem was solved by the hospitals since they allow the families to stay in the room with their children.  It may be crowded and uncomfortable, but they have a place to sleep – in the bed with the child, on an extra chair, or on the floor.  The families don’t, however, have funds to do anything else.  Working closely with these families on a daily basis, you realize just how little they arrive with and how little they manage to survive on during the hospital stay. It’s scary to see how few possessions, food, and money they bring for their long stay.  But then they don’t have anything to bring.  Quite a while ago, we started to support the families with a bag of clothes, toys and toiletries when they arrive. It was obvious, however, that the families still struggled.     As a result, Rende H2H opened a food bank in 2014 which gave the families ready to eat food (just needed boiling water) while they were at the hospital.  In 2015 it was expanded.  We now give each of the families a meal card when they check into the hospital.  This allows them to eat 1-2 nutritious meals each day in the hospital cafeteria during their stay.  Depending upon the circumstances, we may also give them a food bag upon arrival, which contains drinks, snacks, instant noodles, etc. that will help them between meals.  Their relief to receive the card and food is obvious.  If they stay over two weeks, we try to supplement the card and snacks.  Naturally, this all costs money, but is very reasonable.  Yida Hospital, for instance, has cards for Rende Heart to Heart – RMB 5,000 will provide food for 25 families during their hospital stays! It’s a great way to support our sponsored children and their families during an extremely stressful time for them.

When Heart to Heart Shanghai was first formed in June 2003, it was a hospital play group.  Knowing that movement helps recovery, Shanghai Chest Hospital wanted people to come play with children after their heart surgeries to speed up their recovery rate…. and so the children could have some fun.  What started as an occasional afternoon each week for a few volunteers has expanded greatly over the years.  We now have a permanent playroom at Yida Hospital in Qingpu District.  There is a large wonderful room full of donated toys, books, games, puzzles, etc. where volunteers can interact 365 afternoons a week with children who have been hospitalized for heart problems.  It is a wonderful place for the children and volunteers alike.  Everyone enjoys themselves and the children get better faster as a result.  It’s a perfect arrangement.

If you like interacting with children (1 month old to 18 years old), this program is the one for you.  You can volunteer every day or once a month.  Participation levels are totally up to you.  No language skills are needed since children respond to smiles in any language.  What do volunteers do?

  • Play!
  • Conduct activites with the children (drawing, painting, singing, games, dancing …. whatever you can think of)
  • Supervise children trying to learn to do things (puzzles, games, etc.)
  • Straighten up and clean the playroom after the children leave
  • Interact with other volunteers

The playroom is open from 2:00 – 3:45 each afternoon all year long.  Volunteers clean up after the playroom closes, but it usually doesn’t take too long.  If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out an application in the “Volunteering” section of the website, have an orientation and then join in the fun.  The children are looking forward to meeting you!

In October 2005 we launched our heart bears project. Each heart bear wears a cardigan, dress, or outfit hand-knitted/sewn by our volunteers. Each bear is personalized with a nametag bearing the name of a Chinese child who has previously received sponsorship for heart surgery. You can view a photograph of the children in the sponsored children section of this website (just click on “See More Children”). Our heart bears are not only cute, but they raise awareness of the work Heart to Heart Shanghai successfully undertakes.  Also, quite a few of the heart surgeries are made possible through the sale of our heart bears. All profits from the sale of our heart bears go towards our life-saving and life-changing heart surgeries. The sale of just 166 heart bears finances a full surgery sponsorship.

If you’d like to purchase a heart bear, please contact us at info@h2hsh.net.  Please note that we also custom make bear outfits for companies, schools, social groups, etc.  Depending upon the complexity of the design, we can usually make around 100 custom cardigans/outfits per month.  They make great gifts for clients, students, etc….. and the profits go to a great cause.  Once again, for orders, contact info@h2hsh.net.


Heart to Heart would love to have goods you’d like to donate. Donated items are given to our sponsored children/their families when they check into the hospital for their heart surgery or the items are taken to villages, orphanages, etc. which need them. The need for donations is continuous.

Things (NEW) to Donate to Children in the Hospital

We give each child (and their family) sponsored for heart surgery a welcome bag to make their stay in the hospital easier during this very trying time. Currently, we particularly need:

      • Adult shampoo
      • Adult toothbrushes & toothpaste
      • Baby wash and shampoo
      • Chinese books (ages 9-17)
      • Boys backpacks/school bags
      • Colouring books (all ages)
      • Drawing paper
      • Kids toothpaste
      • Notebooks
      • Pencil cases & pencil sets
      • Markers (to draw with)
      • Puzzles (all ages)
      • Soap (bars)
      • Socks (ages 3-17)
      • Toys (ages 8+)
      • Throw blankets for hospital beds
      • Washcloths / hand towels
      • Wet wipes

Kuaidi these new items to: 上海市青浦区徐泾镇倪家角路99号
Karen 13916295852

Things (USED or mixed NEW/USED) to Donate

We have many uses for used goods.  If they are in excellent condition, they can be given to children/families in the hospital and/or to people in need within China. If items are not suitable, they can be recycled and the money from the recycling company goes towards more heart surgeries. Everything has a use one way or another. (Note that we do NOT take household goods, large items or furniture.)

Everything that is donated should be clean and in working condition.

Here is how to deliver and/or send in these types of goods.

Where is Yoda? 

上海市 徐汇区  龙漕路 218号 远大心胸医院 3FL 上海仁德基金会心连心专项基金 (200235)
Yoda Cardio Thoracic Hospital, 218 Long Cao Road,  Xuhui District,  Shanghai (200235)
(Phone : 13916295852)

Where is Yida? 

上海市 青浦区 徐泾镇 倪家角路 39号 上海仁德基金会心连心专项基金
Yida Hospital, 39 Nijiajiao Road, Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai
(Phone : 13916295852)

Where is Delta? 

上海市 青浦区 徐泾镇 徐乐路 109号 德达医院 上海仁德基金会心连心专项基金
Yida Hospital, 109 Xule Road, Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai
(Phone : 13916295852)

Heart to Heart can’t finance surgeries, school libraries, sports equipment or food cards without monetary donations. We hope you want to help! Be assured that 100% of your donation actually goes for the project you select. We do not keep any of the donations nor spend them on administration, goods, or anything else.

There are several ways you can proceed with your donation. We recommend wire transfers, but other options are available. They are:

  • Wire transfers – Transfers can be made in any currency to the Heart to Heart bank account. Transfer details are available from execdirector@h2hsh.net (or on WeChat at Karen-H2H). If you don’t need/request a fapiao, a standard Heart to Heart receipt will be issued.
  • WeChat – WeChat wallet transfers can be made in RMB to our H2H QR code (see below). Please be aware that we won’t know whom the donation is from so you won’t get a receipt or be invited to come visit your sponsored child. If you would like to send a donation by WeChat and want us to record who you are so you can get a receipt and / or would like to be able to come see your sponsored child when he/she is in the hospital, please write to execdirector@h2hsh.net or “Karen-H2H” on WeChat for the instructions. If you don’t need/request a fapiao, a standard Heart to Heart receipt will be issued.
  • Alipay – Transfers to Alipay can be made. Write execdirector@h2hsh.net (WeChat: Karen-H2H) for the details. If you don’t need/request a fapiao, a standard Heart to Heart receipt will be issued.
  • PayPal – Transfers to PayPal (in currencies PayPal recognizes) can be made. Write execdirector@h2hsh.net (WeChat: Karen-H2H) for the details. If you don’t need/request a fapiao, a standard Heart to Heart receipt will be issued.
  • Credit Cards – Credit cards can be used. Send a message to execdirector@h2hsh.net (WeChat: Karen-H2H) for the details. If you don’t need/request a fapiao, a standard Heart to Heart receipt will be issued.
  • Cash – If you’d like to donate cash, please contact execdirector@h2hsh.net (WeChat: Karen-H2H) to arrange a time and place to meet. A standard H2H receipt will be issued.


Heart to Heart Shanghai began in 2003 when a small group of volunteers started playing with children (post-heart surgery) at the Shanghai Chest Hospital.  They did this in order to get the children out of bed and moving around.  The activity helped the children recover from their surgery quicker and helped them forget for a while about their surgery.

At Heart to Heart we still keep up the playroom tradition. We have a large playroom at Shanghai Yida Hospital in Qingpu district stocked with donated toys, puzzles, books, etc….  Children of all ages who are recovering from heart surgery come to play.  There is usually quite the crowd of happy kids.  The playroom is open 365 afternoons a year so we definitely need lots of volunteers to play with the children, conduct art activities, read to the children, clean up, etc.  If you like children, you’ll love this volunteering opportunity.

What are the qualifications to volunteer in the playroom?  There is only one – you must be at least 15 years old.  If you are, please come and enjoy yourself while you’re helping the children recover from heart surgery. Just fill out an application in the “I Want to Volunteer” section of this website and someone will contact you with information about how to go to orientation and get started.  The kids are looking forward to meeting you!


Q: Do I need to speak Chinese?

A: Not at all. The beauty of this activity is that playing and smiling are the common language.

Q: What hours is the playroom open?

A: It is open every day of the week from 2pm to 3:45pm. We highly encourage volunteers to be there 15 minutes prior the opening to ensure everything is ready for the children. You will need about 10-15 minutes after the playroom closes to put everything away and clean up.  Thus, volunteers are there for just a little bit over 2 hours.

Q: Do I need to have experience working with children or have medical training?

A: You just need to like children and to want to play with them. Of course, we all need to be mindful remembering to be careful around the children as they are recovering from heart surgery.

Q: Do I need to wear a mask?

A: Yes. You will be required to wear a mask in the hospital communal areas (elevators and halls) as well as in the playroom while there are children.

Q: How often do I need to volunteer?

A: Volunteering means donating your time to help others so we just hope that you can come at least once a month to help the children recover faster by running a playroom session.

Q: Can I just come in one day to check out the playroom before signing up?

A: No. As we’re dealing with children recovering from major heart surgery, it is a must to have an orientation given by one of our experienced volunteers before you can partake in the playroom. However, it’s not rocket science, we just need to ensure you have all the information and know how to conduct yourself in this space.  So just register and become a playroom volunteer!

What is Heart to Heart assembly?  It’s what we call our team of volunteers who help us prepare for all the various activities we do to support our sponsored children and their families.  Nothing could go forward smoothly at Heart to Heart without the assemblers.  In our assembly group we sort donated goods, count coins, dress bears, clean, set up for events, prepare for field trips, sew on buttons, embroider …. the list is endless.  We try to assign people to tasks they enjoy so don’t worry if you aren’t very talented in a certain area!  No skills are required.  All you have to be is at least 15 years old to participate.  

Assembly is usually a very social activity – lots of fun.  We usually meet 1 – 2 times a week at our assembly room within Yoda Hospital.  Our scheduled sessions are posted below and in the “Activities” section of the website.  Generally, we meet on Tuesdays, although there are variations and extra sessions sometimes.  We want your help so please fill out an application in the “I Want to Volunteer” section of the website and come help us.  You’ll be glad you did!

We always need knitters, crocheters, seamstresses, etc. to make heart bear outfits.  You can help us in the privacy of your own home, work during one of our assembly sessions and/or you can join one of our knitting / sewing groups.  We’d love to get to know you!  To volunteer in this manner, just sign up in the “I Want to Volunteer” section and we’ll contact you with details on how to get started. 

Our volunteers have been making outfits for the Heart to Heart heart bears almost since the founding of Heart to Heart in 2003.  The heart bears are not only cute, but are made with love.  ALL the profits from the sales of heart bears go toward the sponsorship of children for surgery.  The costs are invested back into the purchase of more bears so we can continue the heart bear tradition.The sale of just 166 heart bears finances a child for surgery. Each heart bear wears a cardigan, dress, or outfit hand-knitted/crocheted/sewn by our volunteers. Each heart bear is personalized with a name tag bearing the name of a Chinese child who has previously received sponsorship for heart surgery. You can view a photograph of the children on our website in “See More Children”.

The heart bears are sold at school bazaars, social groups, companies, and through our volunteers.  You can contact info@h2hsh.net to purchase heart bears.  We also do bulk orders for schools and companies.  A special heart bear outfit can be designed in your school’s/company’s colors and with your logo on it.  Just make sure you leave at least 1 month per 100 bears for us to make them.  After all, we are all volunteers – not a factory.  You will love the results, however. 

Heart to Heart doesn’t actually hold many events itself.  Our team of events’ volunteers, however, love to attend / participate in / help project manage events that others have organized.  This team volunteers at bazaars and/or all kinds of events put on by schools, social groups, companies, communities, individuals, etc.  If you want us to be at your event to spread the word about Heart to Heart, sell heart bears, or participate in other ways, just contact us at events@h2hsh.net.  We’d love to cooperate with you.

…. And if you’d like to help us on the events team, please do!  We need a variety of skill sets and volunteering can be done at various times during the week.  It’s perfect for people who have full-time jobs as well as those who don’t have a job.  We need people who speak almost any language you can think of.  All you need is a desire to help the children Heart to Heart sponsors for heart surgery and to have a great time with the public while volunteering.  Go to the website section “I Want to Volunteer” to sign up if you aren’t already a Heart to Heart volunteer.  If you already are a volunteer with H2H, just let the coordinator know at events@h2hsh.net and he can add you onto the team.  Come volunteer with us!

There are many tasks that go on behind the scenes at Heart to Heart.  These tasks are coordinated and overseen by the management team volunteers.  These volunteers either manage a team or are on sub-teams.  The team members come from all walks of life, countries and levels of experience, but that’s what we need to get everything done.  We need help with most tasks.  So if you have some time you’d like to dedicate to helping ensure H2H runs properly, come join us!  We need most skills, but particularly on the following teams:

  • Assembly
  • Event planning
  • Fund raising
  • Finance
  • Group volunteering
  • Playroom
  • Knitting / crocheting / sewing
  • Marketing
  • Newsletter
  • Office management (We are in particular need of people who can help us with electronic paperwork.  This can be done from your home or wherever you are – including oversees.)
  • Project managers
  • School liaisons
  • Sponsorships


Upcoming activities

We need your help sorting donated goods, sewing, embroidering, and doing all kinds of other tasks.  Please come and join the fun!

Group volunteering is generally undertaken by companies, schools and social groups when they want to volunteer together as a group.  These help them complete CSR requirements, student credits or are just good ways for friends to volunteer together at Heart to Heart.  We want the sessions to be good for you, but we also want them to help H2H with its mission.  Each session is different and tailored to what we need at the time.  Unfortunately, playing with the children in the playroom is NOT a group activity.  That is only open to official H2H volunteers who have signed up on this website and been through orientation.  Nevertheless, what groups do during their sessions is very beneficial to H2H.

Group Volunteering Possibilities

  • DONATE books, clothing, toiletries, toys, etc. (See the donated goods section of our website for what we need most at this time.)  We’ll find a way to put them to good use.
  • ORGANIZE events to benefit the kids that need heart surgeries. Just RMB 30,000 provides surgery for a child with CHD whose parents can’t afford it themselves.
  • VOLUNTEER at our events around Shanghai – usually at public markets. All employees, friends, families (with chaperon if under 15 years old)…basically everyone is welcomed.
  • VOLUNTEER at our warehouse at Yida Hospital in Qingpu district. All employees, friends, families (with chaperon if under 15 years old)…basically everyone is welcomed. Up to 12 people at a time.

Note:  We supply each child/family that comes into the hospital for heart surgery through Heart to Heart with clothing/toiletries/toys/etc. to help them get through their hospital stay.  (They have very little to nothing when they arrive.)  In these sessions we sort clothing that will be given to them.

  • VOLUNTEER at our assembly room in Yoda Hospital in Xuhui district. Basically, you will be sorting donated goods (similar to #4 above).  All volunteers 15 years old and above are welcome in groups up to 12 people at a time.
  • KNIT the outfits for our heart bears. If you don’t know how, but you’re really interested, schedule a session with us and we’ll teach you.

We’re also open to ideas besides the above mentioned. We’re experienced in collaborating with companies in CSR projects. Feel free to get in touch with us by contacting Lusia Lu – WeChat id: LusiaSL.

Thank you for thinking about supporting us!   We look forward to working with you.

We have many great supporters.  Come out and join us at one of the events!

Blossom in Your Season for Children with CHD

Join Lisa and Poi Yu on October 24th for a joyful journey to discover your personal color season. Make a floral arrangement inspired by your color and help a child with congenital heart disease. The [...]

Play Golf to Help Children Get Heart Surgery

On 2024 October 25 the 4th annual Golf4Hearts golf tournament will be held at the Shanghai West Golf Club.  There are still a few spaces left for teams and/or individuals who want to register.  The tournament is a lot of fun.  [...]

2024 Art for Hearts – Call for Artists

The 2024 Art for Hearts is coming and we NEED your artistic support! This November our 6th Art for Hearts exhibition sale will be held at the Shanghai Centre. 100% of the funds generated from [...]

Our Sponsored Children

What would you do if you were from a disadvantaged family with no health insurance, no savings and were probably heavily in debt …. and then your child was born with a congenital heart defect that could cause pre-mature death or other terrible possibilities.  How would you obtain help?  This is the situation that exists for the parents of most of our sponsored children (although we also help orphans).  We try to help children born into these circumstances get the surgery their defect requires.  Pictured below (in “See More Children”) are the children who have undergone surgery.  We give a huge thanks to all the sponsors who donated the money to make them well and able to lead the lives their parents had originally dreamed of for them.

Heart to Heart Video

Contact Us

Where is Delta Hospital? 

上海市青浦区徐泾镇徐乐路109号德达医院 (Phone: 13916295852)

Where is Yida Hospital?

上海市青浦区徐泾镇倪家角路39号 (Phone: 13916295852)

Where is Yoda Hospital? 

上海市 徐汇区  龙漕路 218号 远大心胸医院 3F 上海仁德基金会心连心专项基金 (200235)
Heart to Heart Shanghai a Special Fund of Rende Foundation, 3rd Floor, Yoda Cardio-Thoracic Hospital, 218 Long Cao Road,  Xuhui District,  Shanghai (200235)
(Phone : 13916295852)