September 2024

Heart to Heart Newsletter

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Art for Hearts

The 2024 Art for Hearts is coming and we NEED your artistic support!

This November our 6th annual Art for Hearts exhibition sale will be held at the Shanghai Centre. 100% of the funds generated from this sale will sponsor children for heart surgery.  Over the last 5 years, Arts for Hearts has successfully sponsored 62 children and now we’re calling for more artworks to help us achieve more surgeries!

If you are an artist who would like to present your work in this exhibition and gift your work for sale, please scan the QR code to register your donation.

Thank you also for helping to spread the word by sharing this with your artist friends, re-posting in Moments and forwarding by email. We need your support!





Register for the 2024 Golf4Hearts

On 2024 October 25 the 4th annual Golf4Hearts golf tournament will be held at the Shanghai West Golf Club.  There are still a few spaces left for teams and/or individuals who want to register.  The tournament is a lot of fun.  It is open to everyone – adults and junior golfers.   Everyone should have a great experience playing and it is hoped that we’ll sponsor at least 4 children for heart surgery like the 2023 tournament did.

Come have a great day golfing.  Hone your golfing skills, win some great prizes, stay for the banquet/awards ceremony that is included with your registration, benefit society and completely change the lives of some very lucky children.

Just scan the QR code on the attached poster and Jordan can help you get registered or answer your questions about the tournament.  (He can be reached at rock_jordan1 on WeChat if you have trouble scanning the code.

Get involved!  Make a difference!





Group Volunteering                

We believe that corporate and school partnerships are essential to achieving our mission.  We would love to have your company or school join us in saving lives of children from all over China with congenital heart disease (CHD). We hope you have a commitment to social responsibility. By supporting us, you can make a meaningful contribution to this life-saving, life-changing and life-enhancing cause.

How can you do this?  We have many ways that you can volunteer as a group with us.  Details of the majority of them can be obtained by contacting Lusia at (WeChat – LusiaSL).  If your company or school would like to help us out by working to sort donated goods or other manual activities at one of our hospital locations, here’s what we currently have available:

  • VOLUNTEER at our mini-warehouse at Yida Hospital in Qingpu district. All are welcome (with chaperon if under 15 years old).  We can accommodate up to 12 people at a time.  Three-hour sessions can be scheduled any days except Mondays.
  • VOLUNTEER at our assembly room in Yoda Hospital in Xuhui district.  All volunteers 15 years old and above are welcome in groups up to 12 people at a time.  Generally, three hour sessions on Tuesday afternoons or Thursdays are preferred

Contact Lusia (WeChat – LusiaSL) and she’ll help you get it scheduled through the correct volunteer.  Come join in the fun and help children with congenital heart disease at the same time.我们相信企业和学校合作伙伴关系对于实现我们的使命至关重要。我们诚意邀请您的公司或者学校加入我们,一起拯救中国各地患有先天性心脏病(CHD)的儿童的生命。我们希望我们的合作伙伴跟我们一样承诺践行社会责任。通过跟我们合作,您也将为这个拯救生命、改变命运的事业做出有意义的贡献。


  • 成为⻘浦区医大医院的后勤志愿者 ——所有员工、学生、朋友、家人(15岁以下需有监护人陪同) 都欢迎参与,每次活动人数不超过12人。 除了周一外,每天都可以开放一个3小时的服务时段。
  • 成为徐汇区远大心胸医院的后勤志愿者——只要是15岁及以上的志愿者都欢迎,每次活动人数不超过12 人。如无特殊情况,每周二下午和周四全天都能安排一个3小时的服务时段。


Things We Need

We’ve definitely have had a lot of kids having surgery this summer.  We’ve already done 335+ surgeries this year!  Our stocks of new items to give to the children and their families in the hospital are pretty non-existent now.  Here is what we need in new items:

Adult shampoo
Adult toothbrushes
Baby wash and shampoo
Books (in Chinese) – children 9+ years old
Boys backpacks/school bags
Coloring books (all ages)
Drawing paper
Kids toothpaste
Pencil boxes & sets
Markers (for kids to draw with)
Puzzles (all ages)
Soap (bars)
Socks (3-17 years old)
Toys – girls and boys 8+ years old
Throw blankets for hospital beds
Washcloths / hand towels
Wet wipes

Help make the children’s stays less traumatic.  Send new items to:
上海市青浦区徐泾镇倪家角路99号  Karen 13916295852

(Kuadi any time.  If drivers drop things off, arrangements should be made with Karen beforehand.)



– 成人洗发水
– 成人牙刷
– 婴儿沐浴露和洗发水
– 书籍(中文)- 适合9岁以上儿童
– 男孩背包/书包
– 绘本书(各年龄段)
– 画纸
– 儿童牙膏
– 笔记本
– 文具盒和文具套装
– 彩笔(供儿童绘画用)
– 拼图(各年龄段)
– 肥皂(块状)
– 袜子(3-17岁)
– 玩具 – 适合8岁以上的男孩和女孩
– 医院病床用的毛毯
– 洗脸巾/手巾
– 湿巾


Overflowing Heart Bear Event
On the eve of the 2024 International Women’s Day, in collaboration with Shanghai Rende Foundation’s Heart to Heart Special Fund, IF (溢福) launched their “Overflowing Heart” H2H Heart Bear event. This initiative aimed at caring for children with congenital heart disease by raising funds for their surgeries and called for greater social attention to the health of children with congenital heart disease.

Over several months Heart to Heart volunteers meticulously prepared for the event by handcrafting 166 heart bears (including 30 specially designed bears). These special bears honored women from various professions, such as female astronauts exploring the universe, athletes embodying the spirit of resilience, as well as female scholars and writers. Each bear was unique, symbolizing not only love but also recognition and admiration for female strength. The event received widespread support from various social sectors, collectively voicing love and spreading warmth. In just one month, the “Overflowing Heart” event helped multiple children with congenital heart disease undergo surgical treatment.

We are deeply grateful to IF (溢福) for their support for children with congenital heart disease and we look forward to IF continuing to bring more compassion and hope on their charitable journey.  The “Overflowing Heart” H2H Heart event allowed many “hearts” to chase dreams and we hope to continue our efforts in gratitude.






Firefly Band Concert
In a summer full of enthusiasm and hope, we welcomed the Firefly Band’s third annual charity concert. The Firefly Band is a music group initiated by 6 middle-school students from the YK Pao School. They successfully performed pieces they carefully polished, demonstrated their care and love through the power of music and helped raise funds for children with congenital heart disease (CHD) to receive surgery so these children can have a chance to blossom.

The band consists of Audrey, the lead singer, Cindy on the keyboard, Ethan playing the lute/pipa, Venus on flute, and both Aileen and Iris playing cello. They fused Chinese opera and popular songs in Chinese and English in a clever manner to showcase the collision of Chinese and foreign, ancient and contemporary cultures. The program included adaption of Chinese Opera “Ode to the Pear Blossom of the Imperial Concubine of the Tang Dynasty”, Kunqu Opera “Peony Pavilion”, pop music “Trouble is Friend”, musical “When Will My Life Begin”, Chinese folk music “House of the Flying Daggers” and “Dance Music of the Yi Ethnic Group”, an original song “The World of Flying Fire and Fireflies”, etc. They passionately told stories through their music to the audience.   All funds raised by the concert went to CHD surgery.

The curtain raised three years ago when the Firefly Band premiered at the Heart to Heart Christmas bazaar. Youthful and hopeful, they shared a happy and joyful time with everyone through their music. The band members have been proactively engaged in many of the H2H events since then with the hope that their love can be just like their music – planting seeds of hope in people’s hearts to flourish and to bloom into brilliant flowers.

We hope these young adults grow up in the company of music and compassion to convey hope continuously and create infinite possibilities.


乐队成员有主唱符涵菲Audrey,键盘狄芊芊Cindy,琵琶孙奕程Ethan,长笛陆晔莹Venus,大提琴陆清蔚Aileen,大提琴鄧璧晴Iris。他们把中国戏曲与中英文流行歌巧妙融合,完美展示中外古今文化的碰撞,表演曲目包括改编京剧《大唐贵妃梨花颂》,昆曲《牡丹亭》,流行音乐《Trouble is friend》,音乐剧《when will my life begin 》,中国民乐《十面埋伏》和《彝族舞曲》,原创歌曲《飞火流萤的世界》等。他们通过音乐来讲述他们的故事与热爱,并传递给每一位听众。音乐会上通过义卖爱心小熊筹集的全部款项将用于帮助先天性心脏病儿童的手术治疗。


Good-Bye from Silvia!

I’m Silvia.  I’m Brazilian-German.  I met Karen during a meeting at an expatriate association at the beginning of 2023 where she was giving a speech.  I knew the moment we talked, Heart to Heart was exactly what I was looking for! The next week I started volunteering with Karen at Yida Hospital assembling basic necessities bags and delivering them to the kids as they arrived at the hospital. Twice a week, at least, I was there with her!

Volunteering at H2H also allowed me to see the many branches of organization they run – from heart bears, bingo nights, walking challenges, sales for kids, library field trips and so many more.

I’m leaving China today for my new home in France and will miss those days and remember them dearly!

I’m really grateful for having been able to take a small part of this huge Heart beat!




If you missed the Heart to Heart BINGO get-together on June 21, you missed a really good time.  It was great to see so many H2H supporters get together for an evening of talking, laughing, winning prizes – and that most important of things – helping to sponsor a child for heart surgery.  I’m sure the child we help will never have heard of BINGO, but some of us will need to explain to her/him about the game so they know how they were helped.  Thanks to those who came out on a rainy night!  We hope to see you again when it’s time to visit the sponsored child in the hospital.  I know that will be another great experience.

So how were the games??? Many winners!!!  (Thank you for all who donated prizes!)  We even had several first time BINGO players who won prizes and saw how fun things could be.  I hope they’ll return the next time we play.  Also, it should be mentioned that we added a different twist to the evening….. the BINGO caller(s) changed each round depending upon who won the last game.  There are a lot of great fledgling BINGO callers now.  Thank you for being such good sports.  Everyone was really good at it.

We’d like to say a big thanks to Abbey Road for putting up with our craziness for a whole evening and for Brits Abroad Shanghai for matching the funds that we raised during the event.  H2H-Abbey Road-Brits Abroad is a great combination. It obviously got things done this time.


那么比赛怎么样呢???有许多赢家!!!(感谢所有慷慨捐赠奖品的人)有几位头一回玩宾果游戏的赢家更感受到它的趣味,希望他们在下一次的活动卷土重来。值得一提的是我们为当晚的活动添加了一个刺激元素 — 游戏叫号员根据每一回合赢家而有所更动。现在我们有许多初出茅庐很棒的叫号员了。谢谢大家都如此有风度,每位都擅长此道。


Impressions on Being an Intern

At H2H we love interns.  This summer we had a high school student from Ningbo spend a week with us volunteering in the playroom and helping to pack/deliver bags for the children and their families.  Here are his impressions of the H2H and his experience. Thank you, Robin, for being a great intern!  …

At Heart to Heart, we believe in the power of kindness and the profound impact it can have on a child’s healing journey. Our mission is very simple but meaningful: to bring joy and comfort to children who are facing the challenges of disasters and sickness, especially those recovering from surgery. We understand that the hospital can be a scary place for young children because of the unfamiliar environment, sounds and some painful feelings. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping them.

Every child who receives help from Heart to Heart receives a special bag including some toys and clothes. These gifts are more than just toys or treats—they are filled with hope and love, reminding each child that they are not alone in their journey. We will accompany them until they are fully recovered. Whether it’s a soft stuffed animal to keep them accompanied when they feel lonely or bored, each gift is meant to brighten their day and make their time in the hospital a little easier and recovery much faster. We help them reduce the uncomfortable feeling of the life in hospital.

But our support doesn’t end with a bag of gift. We are committed to being a source of comfort and encouragement, offering a heart-to-heart connection that can let these brave young children know that we care deeply about their wellbeing. Our efforts focus on creating a moment of happiness that can truly make a difference when children are going through some difficult times.

In the end, at Heart to Heart, we’re not just delivering gifts—we’re delivering hope. Together, we can make hospital stays a little brighter and the road of recovery a little smoother for these young children. Join us in our mission to bring smiles and warmth to those who need it most.






A Special Team

As Heart to Heart has been running for so many years, naturally things are changing all the time.  One of the things that was added in recent years is a small chat group of supporters into which items which are inappropriate to send to our end users in the countryside can be sold to support heart surgeries.  The group of ladies who make up the special sales team are a diverse group that are constantly giving time and effort to help children with congenital heart disease.   Who does the current team consist of?  There is May, who always has her hand in.  She improves and gets the best out of every situation to make sure that the standard is high and we are listening to our chat group members.  Ceci always thinks out the box about how to support our surgeries.  Deirdre makes the tea and constantly designates which items should be included.  Mary and Jaycee sort, arrange and work with books.  (The book promotions alone have just sponsored a full child for heart surgery.)  Anita is the organizational queen;  she keeps everything in order with her gift of attention to detail. Debbie brings the muscles to come and work when needed. Poi has an eye for quality and works with branded items.  Alicia works tirelessly with staff to maximize efforts.  Rebecca handles deliveries.  Celine brings order to every situation. 

So many children have benefitted from the teams’ efforts.  It was a great thing you started Kate!

Heart to Heart says a very big THANK YOU to everyone involved.

“心连心”运行多年来,不时会有新变化。近几年来的一个新事物是一个小规模的志愿者聊天群。我们在这个群里出售一些对我们的乡村受众不太适用的物品,用获得的善款支持心脏手术。这个特殊销售团队由一群多姿多彩的女士组成,她们持续地投入时间和精力来帮助患有先天性心脏病的孩子们。目前的团队成员都有谁呢?梅,你总能看到她的身影。任何情形下,她总在不断改进,高标准严要求,以期获得最佳的结果。她确保每一位成员的想法都被倾听。茜茜则有各种奇思妙想,为手术争取到更多的支持。德婕擅长茶艺,对选择哪些物品特别有洞见。玛丽和杰西整理并处置各种书籍。 (仅仅通过书籍促销获得的善款,就赞助了一名孩子一次完整的心脏手术。)安妮塔是组织协调女王,她关注细节,把一切都安排得井井有条。黛碧在任何有需要的时候,都会全力以赴。波伊对品质和高端品牌特别有眼光。艾丽希雅工作起来不知疲倦,帮助大家获得最好的结果。丽贝卡负责送货交付。还有塞琳,只要有她在,就不会出岔子。


Autumn Playroom Cleaning

Despite the fact that our playroom volunteers do a great job cleaning the toys in the playroom, every now and then everything needs a deep cleaning and sorting. That’s exactly what our some of the volunteers did as things began to come together for autumn volunteering.  The toys were scrubbed, everything was moved around and cleaned, broken toys were disposed of, etc.  The playroom now looks absolutely amazing.  Thanks to everyone who participated!

We hope all our volunteers who are returning after their summer holidays will come and utilize the facilities.  The children are waiting for you!



Morgan Stanley’s Annual Global Volunteer Month
Morgan Stanley’s annual Global Volunteer Month is in June. Give Back is one of the corporate core values of Morgan Stanley. We implement these concepts by organising a series of public welfare and volunteer service activities, actively assuming and practicing Corporate Social Responsibility to give back to the society and contribute to the communities closely related to our work and life.

This year Morgan Stanley is cooperating in China with Heart to Heart Shanghai (H2H), a special fund of Shanghai Rende Foundation. H2H has once again been selected as our core charity partner. The first cooperation was from 2018 to 2020. Employees from offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai organised and participated in a series of group volunteer activities to spread the ideologies of love and charity, sent warmth and help to Heart to Heart children, eased the financial burden on their families, raised money for children’s surgeries, and donated to rural primary school libraries at the same time.

The following is a brief introduction of the activities organised by the volunteer team at Morgan Stanley this year.

  1. Walkathon

As one of the most popular events amongst GVM Events in China, employees from Beijing, Shanghai, Zhuhai, and Shenzhen each organised annual Charity Walkathon events. Participants can choose to walk or run to raise funds for Shanghai Rende Foundation’s Heart to Heart.

  1. H2H Heart Bear Sale and Handmade Knitting Items by Employees Charity Sale

The volunteer team sells H2H heart bears to spread H2H’s purpose and operation model as well as organising a charity sale of items hand-knitted by employees.

  1. Love Parcels

Love Parcels is a China-wide activity. Employees at various office locations across the country purchased necessary daily necessities, books, and stationery, etc. for H2H children. Then the volunteer team packaged the gifts beautifully and placed them into Love Parcels, which were delivered by the volunteer team to children at Yida Hospital in Qingpu District, Shanghai.

  1. Playroom at Shanghai Yida Hospital

The volunteer team participated in the playroom activities at Shanghai Yida Hospital. On the eve of Children’s Day, the volunteers delivered Love Parcels collected from all over the country to the children, played with the children (after heart surgeries), and sent the children Children’s Day blessings and gifts.

  1. Sorting donated items and crafting H2H bears

The volunteer team at Yoda Cardiothoracic Hospital in Xuhui District, Shanghai, sorted and packed donated items from public (toiletries, clothing, etc.) and participated in crafting H2H heart bears.

  1. Internal Sports Fair

The volunteer team also organised a series of fun and meaningful internal volunteer Sports Fair events to provide financial assistance for heart surgeries through H2H. For example, table tennis and badminton charity competitions were held.  We hope that during the next cooperation circle with H2H, more meaningful activities are held, more children are helped, and more beautiful memories are left.




  1. 慈善行活动

作为中国GVM Events最受欢迎的活动之一,北京、上海、珠海、深圳的员工们分别组织了一年一度的Charity Walkathon活动。参与者通过选择步行或跑步等方式,来为上海仁德基金会心连心专项基金机构筹集资金。











Featured H2H Child of the Quarter — A Family Affair
Each of the 3,292+ children that Heart to Heart has sponsored for heart surgery is precious and memorable in his/her own way.  Their little faces are frozen in your memory, however, as to how they appeared when they were in the hospital or when we visited them in their homes.  Images of some of their parents are also seared into your mind.  It was rather surreal then to see a one and a half year old boy whom I didn’t recognize at all come into the hospital, but his mother looked very familiar.  It was even stranger when she smiled shyly at me and came over to grasp my hands with tears in her eyes.  I didn’t want to embarrass her by asking who she was so clasped her hands as well.  I couldn’t figure out if she was just overcome with emotion that her son was in the hospital to have heart surgery or if I knew her somehow.  Days passed while her son was getting ready for surgery.  She seemed to seek me out in the hospital to talk about her son and even showed up for a group volunteering session to sort clothes with the group.  After a while, I knew that I recognized her from somewhere, but it wasn’t until I processed her son’s paperwork that it all became clear….

Little Li Muyang was found to have VSD during a newborn physical examination at birth.  He came from a family of seven – the parents, 4 older sisters and Li Muyang (the youngest).  His parents are farmers in Anhui province who grow wheat and corn on their 6 mu of land.  They don’t make much, but they are normally able to get by on that amount.  They are in debt, however, since most of their children have needed special medical care over the years.  Their eldest daughter was born deaf and is currently attending a special education school. The second daughter (now 12 years old) was born with congenital heart disease and underwent surgery at Yuanda Hospital years ago through Heart to Heart sponsorship.  And then little Li Muyang was born with CHD as well.  Once again, they turned to Heart to Heart…. And thus, the mother was someone I really did recognize!  And it was like little Li Muyang knew we were all connected somehow too since he would smile and reach out for me each time I saw him.

The great news is that Li Muyang’s mother reports that the daughter who had heart surgery earlier is thriving.  She is doing well in school and her health is excellent.  As for little Li Muyang … It took him a while to come out of the ICU after his surgery, but once he did, he began to recover quickly.  His mother has great hope for the future now that both of these heart patients should be fine and do things with their lives that she could never achieve.  She is a big Heart to Heart advocate to say the least!


LI MUYANG在出生时的新生儿体检中被发现患有VSD。他来自一个七口之家——父母、四个姐姐和LI MUYANG (他是家里最小的孩子)。他的父母是安徽省的农民,在他们6亩的土地上种植小麦和玉米。他们赚的钱并不多,但也能勉强度日。然而,他们负债累累,因为他们的大多数孩子多年来都需要特殊的医疗照顾。他们的大女儿天生失聪,目前正在一所特殊教育学校上学。二女儿(今年12岁)出生时患有先天性心脏病,多年前通过心连心赞助在远大心胸医院做了手术。然后LI MU YANG出生时也患有CHD。他们再次求助于心连心….因此,这位母亲是我真正认识的人。LI MUYANG似乎也知道我们之间有某种联系,因为每次我看到他,他都会微笑着向我伸出手。

好消息是,LI MUYANG的母亲告诉我说,她做过心脏病手术的二女儿现在已康复,正在茁壮成长。她在学校表现很好,身体也很健康。至于LI MUYANG, 手术后,他花了一段时间才从重症监护室出来,但出院后他就开始快速康复了。他的母亲对未来充满希望,现在这两个心脏病患者都很好,并在她的生活中实现了一些他们永远无法实现的事情。至少可以这么说,她是一个心连心的拥护者!

Featured Volunteer:  Kris Wang   

Hello readers, my name is Wang Haihong, and my English name is Kris Wang. I am retired. Before retirement, I worked in human resources management for a foreign enterprise for nearly twenty years so I have rich experience in this field. After retirement, since my son has also started working and my husband strongly supports my volunteer work, I have ample personal time to pursue my own interests and contribute to society. My biggest dream and interest is traveling.  I want to travel around the world on routes I design myself. In addition to traveling, I also enjoy swimming and music.  I like to make friends with all kinds of people. So on days when I am not traveling, I hope to use my personal abilities and professional knowledge to contribute more to society.

By a very accidental opportunity, I got to know the Heart to Heart. At that time, I felt, “this is the organization I want to join.” It is dedicated to helping Chinese children with congenital heart disease who can’t afford the surgery.  The staff doesn’t receive compensation.  I think this is a great cause! I have participated in many Heart to Heart activities such as field trips, knitting groups and bear sales.  I also volunteer in the Yida Hospital playroom. I remember once when I went to the playroom of YIDA as a volunteer, I was late, and when I saw the children who were locked outside the door with a thirsty look, hoping to open the door and enter that room, I felt, ah, my heart melted, I think as long as I have time, I will go as much as possible and support them as much as possible.   I hope they can be happy in the playroom, can recover quickly from surgery and also return to their hometown as soon as possible smoothly.

你好, 读者们好,我叫王海红,我的英文名字叫 Kris Wang。现在的我是一个退休人员,在这之前,我在一家外企做人力资源的管理工作。将近二十多年,所以有着丰富的人力资源管理方面的经验。退休以后,因为儿子也已经工作成人,老公也非常支持我的志愿者工作。所以我也有充足的个人时间从事自己的兴趣爱好并发挥余热为社会做贡献。我最大的梦想和兴趣爱好就是旅游, 我想通过我自己设计的路线走遍全世界。除了旅游之外,平时我还喜欢游泳和音乐,喜欢结交各类的朋友。所以在不旅行的日子里,我就希望能够通过我的个人能力,我的专业知识为社会多做一点贡献。一次很偶然的机会,我认识了仁德心连心专项基金这个公益项目。当时我就觉得啊,这不就是我想参加的一个组织嘛。。。它乐于助人,尤其是一些外籍人士,能够在中国还义无反顾的,不计任何的报酬去帮助中国的一些残障、困境儿童治疗疾病。我觉得这是一个多么伟大的事业啊!记得那是两年多前的一个及其炎热的夏天。我第一次参加心连心组织的一次志愿者新手培训会。然后在会议的自我介绍的过程中,我也提到了我是一个人力资源管理的退休人士。然后我记得当时就有一个老外主动跟我说:他希望我能够帮他,因为他的雇主不给他支付加班费并克扣他的工资等等。。。我说当然可以没问题。紧接着下一周,记得那是一个近四十度的高温天。这个老外朋友接到了一个通知,要求去上海市劳动仲裁委员会和他的雇主做调解。但是他又没有专业人士帮他,所以当天我义无反顾的就陪他一起去。在那边我们三方一起见了面,记得通过一个下午近三小时的协调沟通,翻译和再沟通,最终他们双方达成一致,都获得了满意的结果。然后那天,政府机构的仲裁老师也非常的感谢我,帮助她成功完成了调解工作。尽管整个调解过程很艰难很辛苦,但我很开心,因为我觉得,我的专业知识帮助了大家,帮助了他们,这是我很乐意看到的一个情形!后续我也参加了心连心组织的其他一些活动,比如 field trip, 编织小组和小熊售卖的一些 event 活动,还有医大的playroom 的志愿者。我记得有一次去医大 playroom 做志愿者的时候,我迟到了,当我看到那些在等候在门外的孩子们渴望进去的眼光,希望开门,然后进入到那个房间的时候,我觉得,哎,我的心都融化了,我觉得只要我有时间,我会尽可能的多去,多支持他们,我希望他们能够开开心心的在这个 playroom 里面,能够快速的恢复他们的身体,包括开心的玩,然后也能顺利尽快的回到他们的家乡。

Upcoming Assembly Dates:

Tuesday, September 10       9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, September 17       No session
Tuesday, September 24       9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, October 1              No Session
Tuesday, October 8              No Session
Tuesday, October 15            9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, October 22            9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, October 29            9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, November 5          9:30 – 12:30

   Address: 徐汇区龙漕路218号远大心胸医院3FL    

Welcome to Our New Volunteers!

New Playroom Volunteers
Daini Gong
Feiling Zhang
Iman Faisal
Jessica Chan
Lara Ramos
Liam Austin
Madeline Hulin
Ruilin Wu
Runze Lin
Sadie Lumsden
Serin Oh
Vicky Tan
Yee Lok Chong

New Assembly Volunteers
Liam Austin
Madeline Hulin
Pam Gray
Ruilin Wu
Sadie Lumsden
Vicky Tan

New Events Volunteers
Feiling Zhang
Iman Faisal
Jessica Chan
Liam Austin
Ruilin Wu
Vicky Tan
Yixiao Sun
Yvonne Yeung
Zhuoyun Sun

New Knitting Volunteers
Kepan Gao
Liam Austin

New Sewing Volunteers
Angie Ho
Liam Austin
Ruilin Wu

New Manager Volunteers
Arlyn Nacionales

Sign Up to be a Volunteer! 
Want to sign up to volunteer? Here is a new easy way! Just scan the QR Code and fill out the information. It takes less than a minute!
With your support 3,292 children (332 so far in 2024), 168 rural school libraries and 25 school sports equipment packages have been sponsored! 
Follow Us Online
In addition to our webpage at, we are on WeChat, Facebook, and Linkedin.  Join us to share pictures and get updates!

Contact Us! 
General Information:  Karen Carrington   (
Admin Team:  Karen Carrington
Annual Report:  Mei Kang
Assembly Manager (Yuanda Hospital):  Juliana Zeiske
Assembly Team Backups:  Mary Isobel, Sandra Powley
Assembly Manager (Yida Hospital):  Allan McDean
Book Sales:  Jaycee Zhang and Mary Isobel
Chinese Language Communication Team:  Angel Zhou, Ella Liu, Freya Pan, Jie Huang, Lusia Lu, Mei Kang, Rose Ding & Yen-ling Von Meister
CSR and Group Volunteering Managers:  Lusia Lu & Bev Darle
CSR and Group Volunteering Team:  Juliana Zeiske (Yuanda) & Karen Carrington (Yida)
Events Manager:  Lusia Lu
Events Team Management Backup/Assistant:  Kris Wang
Executive Director:  Karen Carrington (
Field Trips:  Karen Carrington & Nancy Kong
Finance Team:  Jac Wang, Karen Carrington
Heart Bear Order Manager:  Juliana Zeiske
Knitting Manager:  Helen Anderson (
Knitting Manager Backup:  Sophia Luo
Media and Marketing Manager:  Lusia Lu
Minhang Coordinator:  Michael Chew
Minhang Backup:  Ming Zhou
New Volunteer Applications:  Patricia Prado
Newsletter Editor:  Debra Carter
Newsletter Proofreader:  Karen Carrington
On-line Projects Manager:  Nancy Kong
On-line Sales:  Alicia, Anita, Ceci, Celine, Debbie, Deirdre, May, Poi & Rebecca
Playroom Manager:   Arlyn Nacionales
Playroom Backup:  Karen Carrington
Processes & Procedures:  Rina Mybourg
Project Management:  April Shi
Sewing Team Manager:  Rina Mybourg
Sponsorship & Hospital Visits:  Karen Carrington
Webmasters:  Eric Wang (database), Jung-wo Lee (website) & Karen Carrington (content)
Website pictures (remote):  Lenel Roux
WeChat Account Manager:  Mei Kang

Many Ways to Support Us!
Did you know that Heart to Heart is a 100% volunteer organization?  With no paid staff we always need people to volunteer.  Here are just a few of the ways you can help us.

Visit Us at an Event
Check out our ‘Support Us’ section following the calendar.
Donate New or Gently Used Goods
Clothing, toys, toiletries collected from hotel visits, company swag – as long as it is not electronic or breakable, we will find a use for it.  Please contact

Donate Your Time
Help out in our hospital playroom, join an assembly session, schedule a special group volunteering session for you and your coworkers, knit or sew bear clothes at home or with friends.  There are countless opportunities.  We definitely need your help!

Other Donations
You can help support our food card program, our rural school library or sports equipment programs, or become a heart surgery program sponsor.  Contact us to find out how you can help.

Tell Your Friends About Us
Talk to a volunteer at an event and pass on the information. Bring a friend to a volunteer session. Enlist your friends from home to make a donation (contact our executive director to find out how you can make this happen).