Featured Sponsor of the Month – SSIS Bear Sale Project At SSIS one of the main goals as a student is to act and be a future global leader. As a global citizen or leader, one must be engaged in global issues. Many children from China are born with congenital heart defects and born into families who cannot afford the fee to perform heart surgery. To help and participate in this global issue, several SSIS students collaborated with Heart to Heart to start a bear sale and collect money for some of the heart surgeries needed. Starting something new is never easy, especially during a pandemic situation. However, four grade eleven students, Lucas Xie, Lim Jing Rui, Yang Dong Heng Christopher, and Heo Eunseo, persevered and worked towards their goal with perseverance and dedication. They designed a unique hoodie for the heart bear and advertised the bear sale throughout the SSIS community. With the support of teachers, these four students managed to fundraise a total of 50,190 RMB with over 200 donors participating. This significant amount of money will be used to conduct one heart surgery with almost enough money for a second one. It might just be a number on paper, but this number signifies that two children will get the gift of life. As members of a global community, it is our responsibility to help those in need. We sincerely thank everyone who participated and donated to this project. This was an incredibly meaningful project, and we look forward to future projects with Heart to Heart. Lucas Xie Grade 11 Student from Shanghai Singapore International School 作为一名SSIS学生,最重要的目标就是成为全人发展的世界领导者,积极参与世界性活动。在中国,有许多孩子患有先天性心脏疾病,但又出生在无力承担心脏手术费用的家庭。为了帮助这些困境中的孩子,响应积极参与社会实践,几位SSIS学生与“心连心”合作,组织了小熊义卖为这些家庭筹集手术费。 尝试新事物从来都不是一件容易的事,尤其是在新冠疫情大流行艰难时期。然而,四位十一年级的学生,Lucas Xie,Lim Jing Rui,Yang Dong Heng Christopher和Heo Eunseo,坚持不懈,以毅力和奉献精神朝着他们的目标努力。他们为“心连心”小熊设计了一件独一无二的SSIS连帽衫,并在整个SSIS社区宣传此次义卖,在老师的支持下,得到了200多名捐赠者参加,共募集了50,190元人民币。 这笔可观的资金将被用于资助一次心脏手术,剩余的钱几乎足以资助第二次心脏手术。 这可能只是纸上的一个数字,但这个数字意味着两个孩子将获得新的生命。 作为全球公民,我们有责任帮助有需要的人。我们衷心感谢所有参与活动的各位善长仁翁。这是一个非常有意义的项目,我们期待着未来与“心连心”开展更多的项目。 解智天 上海新加坡国际学校11年级学生 |