February 2025

Heart to Heart Newsletter


Dear Volunteers, Sponsors and Friends,

Happy Year of the Snake!

After a record year with 579 heart surgeries in 2024, we had another phenomenal year in 2024. We didn’t exceed our previous record, but we had a great year with another incredible number of surgeries – 478. That brought us to a total number of heart surgeries of 3,438 since we started doing them. Well done! Everyone associated with Heart to Heart in any capacity whatsoever deserves gold stars for your efforts and generosity. Thank you from all those children and their families that we’ve impacted!!!!

Here is a simplified overview of the year:


We continue to be a 100% volunteer organization (a Special Fund of Shanghai Rende Foundation with no paid or reimbursed personnel. Our teams are still smaller than they were before 2023, but they work just as well now that processes and procedures have been streamlined. All jobs were well executed and we continued to work on making sure everything is documented for future volunteers. Thank you to all who volunteered. No matter what your task/team was – administration, Art for Hearts, assembly (Yoda and Yida Hospitals), bag packing/delivery, books, Children’s Day, events, field trips, finance, Golf4Hearts, group volunteering, heart bears, knitting, management, marketing, playroom, processes & procedures, promotions/sales, sewing, sponsorship, translations, website, WeChat or the year-end report – it took all of us working together to complete the tremendous amount of work that goes into supporting 478 heart surgeries. Be proud of yourselves! You did a great job. Thank you.


Despite the fact that we don’t advertise or raise funds publicly, donations continued to flow in from generous individuals, schools and companies. It was a great year for monetary donations – obviously. In addition, we are continuing to receive social insurance reimbursements on qualified surgeries which we are able to utilize to sponsor more children for heart surgery.

Donors continue to send us new and 2nd hand in-kind donations. They were efficiently processed by the assembly teams at both Yoda and Yida Hospitals. The items were sent out to villages in need in Sichuan and Qinghai provinces, delivered on field trips to previously sponsored children, recycled or packed into the welcome bags for our new patients and their families or recycled as appropriate. We gave out over 600 large “farmers” bags in 2024. All recipients seemed to be excited to receive them. Thanks to everyone who sent us goods – used or new. Everything was truly appreciated.

Yida Hospital

All of our heart surgeries were performed at Yida Hospital in 2024. They were extremely efficient in locating and bringing in our little patients who needed heart surgery for congenital heart disease. The majority of children in 2024 appeared to be from group screenings that occurred in the provinces of Fujian, Guizhou, Hunan, Qinghai, Shandong, Sichuan, Tibet and Xinjiang. We also had many children from all over China come in through referrals from “sister” hospitals to our main hospitals. The hospitals and our volunteers at those hospitals did a great job. It entailed a lot of coordination, logistics and paperwork. It all got processed, however, and the children and family representatives all made it into the hospitals in Shanghai for their surgeries. Thank you!!!

School Libraries and Sports Packages

2024 saw the continuation of our rural school library and sports package programs. Generous sponsored enabled us to dedicate 3 libraries/sports packages in Anhui province in March, 2 libraries/sports packages in Shandong province in May and 1 library/sports package in Shandong province in December. I know the libraries and sports packages were very much appreciated at the schools. Also, the trips were fun and rewarding for the groups who were able to go on the field trips. We hope to continue the program in 2025.

In Conclusion

As I’ve said before many times over the years, everyone associated with Heart to Heart in ANY capacity should be extremely proud of what we achieved. Your performance in 2024 was better than anyone could hope for.  Heart to Heart only exists due to your hard work, commitment, and donations.  As a team – whether you are a volunteer, a sponsor, a hospital representative or a member of Rende Foundation – you changed everything for the 478 children (and their families) we helped. They are all going forward to live entirely different lives than they would have without what you did for them. It is not often that anyone can positively impact others in this manner. Thank you for your generosity, selflessness, energy and commitment. You will be remembered by all those 478 children and families as the people who gave them new futures.

Your dedication to Heart to Heart is inspiring. It is an honor to volunteer alongside you.

I hope you are all as excited as I am to work towards a 2025 that is even better than 2024 for children with congenital heart disease in China who need help.

Happy New Year!
Karen Carrington
Executive Director (Volunteer)



2023 年,我们创下了 579 例心脏手术的纪录,而 2024 年又是非凡的一年。虽然我们没有突破去年的纪录,但依然完成了478 例手术,这个数字同样令人惊叹。至此,我们自项目启动以来,共完成了 3,438 例心脏手术。大家辛苦了!所有与“心连心”相关的人,无论以何种方式参与,都值得为自己的努力和慷慨鼓掌。所有受益的孩子和他们的家庭都衷心感谢你们!



我们依然是一个 100% 由志愿者组成的组织(隶属于上海仁德基金会的专项基金),没有任何领薪或报销费用的人员。尽管我们的团队规模仍未恢复到 2023 年之前的水平,但在流程和操作优化后,工作效率依旧不减。所有岗位的工作都被出色地完成,我们也持续努力确保所有工作都有清晰的记录,便于未来的志愿者参考。感谢所有参与志愿服务的朋友们!无论你是负责行政管理、艺连心慈善艺术展、后勤(远大医院和医大医院)、打包/派送、二手书整理、儿童节活动、集市售卖、乡村回访、财务管理、高尔夫慈善赛、团体志愿服务、爱心小熊制作、编织、管理、市场推广、游戏室陪伴、流程优化、宣传/销售、缝纫、赞助对接、翻译、网站维护、微信公众号运营,还是年终报告整理……正是因为大家的齐心协力,我们才能顺利完成 478 例心脏手术所需的庞大支持工作。你们应该为自己感到自豪!感谢你们的付出。


尽管我们从不主动做广告或公开募款,仍有许多慷慨的个人、学校和企业持续捐款,2024 年的捐款情况依旧非常理想。此外,我们也继续通过符合条件的手术获得社保报销,这些资金进一步支持了更多患儿接受手术。

捐赠者们依旧源源不断地寄来新的或二手的实物捐赠品,这些物资被远大医院和医大医院的后勤团队高效分类处理,并送往四川、青海等有需要的偏远地区,或在乡村回访中送给曾经接受资助的孩子们,也有部分物资被循环利用或打包进新患者及其家人的欢迎礼包。2024 年,我们共分发了 600 多个大号编织袋,所有受赠者都非常开心和感激。感谢所有捐赠物资的朋友们,无论是新的还是二手的,你们的善意都被充分珍惜和利用。


2024 年,我们所有的儿童心脏手术均在医大医院进行。医院团队高效地寻找并接收了需要先天性心脏病手术的小患者。2024 年的大部分患儿来自福建、贵州、湖南、青海、山东、四川、西藏和新疆等省份的大规模筛查活动。此外,全国各地的许多患儿通过“姐妹”医院的转诊来到我们主要合作的医院接受治疗。医院及其志愿者团队做出了卓越的贡献,承担了大量的协调、后勤和文书工作,最终确保所有孩子和家属顺利抵达上海接受手术。感谢大家的辛勤付出!


2024 年,我们继续推进乡村学校图书馆和体育器材捐赠计划。慷慨的捐赠方们让我们得以在 3 月为安徽省的 3 所学校设立图书馆/体育器材室,在 5 月为山东省的 2 所学校设立图书馆/体育器材室,并在 12 月再次为山东省的 1 所学校捐赠了图书馆和体育器材。我知道这些资源对学校来说意义重大,同时也让参与探访的志愿者们收获了快乐与满足。我们希望在 2025 年继续推进该项目。


多年来,我一直在强调:所有参与“心连心”项目的朋友们都应该为我们的成就感到骄傲。2024 年的成果已经超越了任何人的期望。“心连心”之所以能存在,全凭大家的辛勤付出、坚定承诺和慷慨捐助。作为一个团队——无论你是志愿者、捐赠方、医院代表,还是仁德基金会的成员——你们共同改变了 478 名孩子及其家庭的命运。正因为你们的努力,他们才拥有了全新的未来。能够如此深远地影响他人的人生,是极为难得的机会。感谢你们的慷慨、无私、活力和奉献精神。你们将永远被这些孩子和家庭铭记,正是你们赋予了他们新的希望。


希望大家和我一样,对 2025 年充满期待——让我们一起努力,让更多患有先天性心脏病的孩子得到帮助!


Karen Carrington


Cooley LLP Baby Bear Order
Heart to Heart would like to say a big thank you to Cooley LLP for their sponsorship of a child’s surgery through ordering our cute baby bears.  The knitting team, with great support from volunteers from Cooley, was able to design and produce little hats for the order in record time over the holiday season so we’d like to thank them as well for their hard work and dedication to children with congenital heart disease.  This was definitely an eye-catching way to sponsor a child.  Thank you Cooley and the volunteers!


YCIS Pudong

YCIS Pudong: A Heartfelt Partnership with Heart to Heart

YCIS Shanghai Pudong has long been dedicated to fostering a spirit of community and compassion. Its support for Heart to Heart exemplifies this commitment. Through engaging events and initiatives, the school helped Heart to Heart bring joy, hope, and lifesaving surgeries and care to children with congenital heart defects and their families.

Central to these efforts are the dedicated parents and teachers of the YCIS Crafting Club, who pour their love and skill into every item the heart bears wear. Their contributions ensure that each piece is not only a product of creativity but also a symbol of love, dedication, and compassion.

One of the standout annual efforts is the thoughtful gesture of gifting YCIS mortarboard Heart to Heart Bears to all Year 13 graduates with personalized crocheted sweaters. These bears symbolize not only a significant milestone in the students’ lives but also the heartwarming connection between the school and Heart to Heart.

Community events at YCIS provide additional opportunities for support. YCIS Family Fun Day serves as a platform for community engagement, featuring the sale of House Color baby heart bears. During the annual Christmas Tree Lighting event, the YCIS Crafting Club hosts sales of these bears alongside charming Christmas mugs, earrings, and photo frames. Crafted with care and creativity, these items spread holiday cheer while contributing to a noble cause, reinforcing the school’s commitment to making a positive impact.

As part of the annual Giving Tree campaign, the YCIS community spreads joy during the holiday season by organizing a toy donation drive to bring cheer to children in hospitals.

The Heart Bear Walk & Knit in the park is a unique initiative that combines physical activity with crafting. Participants can learn finger knitting while enjoying a pleasant stroll, showcasing the power of community action in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.

Our efforts extend to our younger community as well. YCIS primary students and teachers recently hosted a Winter Skyline card-making and sale at their Lingang campus during their Christmas Fayre. This initiative plants the seeds of love and charity, aligning with our school mission from an early age.

Looking ahead, YCIS Pudong is preparing for an upcoming sale at the Chinese New Year Celebration, offering more opportunities to support heart surgeries for children with congenital diseases through the purchase of beautifully crafted items.

Through these initiatives, YCIS Shanghai Pudong continues to inspire and make a difference, demonstrating the profound impact of community-driven efforts.
上海耀中浦东校区长期以来一直致力于培养社区精神和同情心。它对心连心(Heart to Heart)的支持体现了这一承诺。通过引人入胜的活动和倡议,学校帮助心连心为患有先天性心脏缺陷的儿童及其家人带来欢乐、希望,以及挽救生命的手术治疗和关爱。









Things We Need

We’re starting a new year and hopefully we’ll need to pack 500-600 welcome bags for the children as they come into the hospital.  Of course, that means that there are a lot of things we’re going to need.  I hope you can help us out.   Here is what we need in new items:

  • Adult shampoo
  • Baby wash and shampoo
  • Books in Chinese (0-3 years old)
  • Diapers (M & L)
  • Kids toothpaste
  • Markers (for kids to draw with)
  • Toys – girls and boys 0-2 years old
  • Throw blankets for hospital beds
  • Washcloths / hand towels
  • Wet wipes

Help make the children’s stays less traumatic.  Send new items to:  上海市青浦区徐泾镇倪家角路99号   Karen 13916295852(Kuadi any time.  If drivers drop things off, arrangements should be made with Karen beforehand.)


  •  成人洗发水
  • 婴儿沐浴露和洗发水
  • 书籍(中文)
  • 适合3岁以下儿童
  • 尿布 (M & L)
  • 儿童牙膏
  • 彩笔(供儿童绘画用)
  • 玩具 – 适合2岁以下的男孩和女孩
  • 医院病床用的毛毯
  • 洗脸巾/手巾
  • 湿巾

来帮助孩子们减轻住院期间的创伤吧,请将新物品寄送至:上海市青浦区徐泾镇倪家角路99号收件人:Karen联系电话:13916295852Karen Carrington
Executive Director (Volunteer)

Art for Hearts

The 6th annual Art for Hearts event sponsored by Rende Foundation and the Shanghai Centre took place in November 2024 in the 4th floor atrium at the Shanghai Centre.  Works by over 100 very generous and talented artists were donated to the cause;  without their donations the evening wouldn’t have been possible.  Also, as it always has been, the show was run by all volunteers and all the art, prizes, refreshments, facilities, etc. were donated.  So, 100% of the proceeds from the event were donated to help disadvantaged Chinese children get the heart surgery they need.  It was a wonderful event showing the generosity and support for the children we help.

In addition, to the artwork, the Heart to Heart knitting and sewing teams sold special edition heart bears commemorating famous rock and roll stars from the past.  They were creative and fun…. definitely works of art in their own way.

The show also featured a wide range of raffle prizes sponsored by Abbey Road, Aboro Gym, Alysia Lee – Creative, Ayi Matchmakers, BNC Bar, Body & Soul, Bushido, Business Performance Consulting, Cages, Delta Health, DVA Spa, Epermarket, Fly & Sophia Dance Studio, GAP, GoPro, Greenwave, Hai Seas Distillery, Homeslice, Intercontinental Hotels, Jean’s Massage, LeLite, Lidel XIX, Paulaner, Pinyin Press, Riverdale Wine, The Rooster, SEIMC and Yida Hospital. The winners of the gift baskets made up of multiple prizes were definitely lucky!

We’d also like to say a big thanks to SAE for storing and transporting all of our easels. It’s not a small task!

And, of course, we really want to thank the 2024 Art for Hearts committee and the 100+ volunteers who worked at the event. It wouldn’t have been possible without all of them.

The art show was spectacular. Almost all the art was sold! Between the raffle sales, donations, painting sales, bear sales, etc., we will be sponsoring at least 8 more children for heart surgery.  That will make at least 70 children sponsored by Art for Hearts over the years.  It’s quite an accomplishment for an all volunteer event.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of us — but especially the kids whose lives will be changed as a result of what you helped accomplish! Thank you.

Stay tuned for the 7th Annual Art for Hearts which is tentatively scheduled for November 2025.

2024年11月,由仁德基金会和上海商城赞助的第六届“艺术之心(Art of Hearts)”年度活动在上海商城四楼中庭成功举办。100多位慷慨且才华横溢的艺术家为此次活动捐赠了作品;没有他们的捐赠,这个夜晚将无法实现。此外,与以往一样,此次活动完全由志愿者组织,所有的艺术品、奖品、茶歇、场地设施等均来自于捐赠。因此,我们此次活动全部的收益都将用于帮助中国贫困儿童获得所需的心脏手术。这是一场充满温情与支持的美好活动,展现了大家对孩子们的慷慨与关怀。
此次活动还提供了丰富的抽奖奖品,赞助方包括Abbey Road、Aboro Gym、Alysia Lee – Creative、Ayi Matchmakers、BNC Bar、Body & Soul、Bushido、Business Performance Consulting、Cages、Delta Health、DVA Spa、Epermarket、Fly & Sophia Dance Studio、GAP、GoPro、Greenwave、Hai Seas Distillery、Homeslice、Intercontinental Hotels、Jean’s Massage、LeLite、Lidel XIX、Paulaner、Pinyin Press、Riverdale Wine、The Rooster、SEIMC和医大医院。那些抽中由多种奖品组成的福袋的获奖者们,真是太幸运了!


Fairy Does It Again
If your children love to read, they need to get Fairy’s latest book “Crazy Cotomon”.   She’s in the 6th grade now and her stories capture everyone’s imagination.  Fairy started writing a book a year when she was in the 3rd grade at SCIS in 2021.  It’s special enough that she is an avid and accomplished young author, but what makes Fairy even more special is that she donates the proceeds to Heart to Heart to help children get the heart surgery they need.  She has helped 4 children get heart surgery and is now working on her 5th sponsorship.  Amazing!  Keep writing Fairy.  You are opening children’s minds to what it is possible for young people to do…. and you’re saving lives!


Thank you for your donated goods!

We really appreciate it when you donate new or gently used clothing, toys, etc.  They are either given to our sponsored children/families in the hospital, taken to our families when we visit them in their homes or sent to places which have requested assistance.  The end result is wonderful no matter where they go.  Recently, Yida Hospital let us know about a request for winter clothing from Qinghai province.  It was filled with 16 large bags of donated items.  The folks in Qinghai province want everyone to know that they treasure what they received.  So keep those donated goods coming!!!

非常感谢您捐赠新的或轻微使用过的衣服和玩具。这些物品或者是被送给了我们赞助的住院的儿童或家庭,或者是在我们到他们家探望时带给了他们,又或者是被送到了有需要的地方。 无论这些物品被送到了哪里,最终都会是美好的结局。最近,医大医院告诉我们青海省需要冬天的衣服,于是我们将16大袋的衣物发送到了青海省。青海省的人们希望每个人都知道他们很珍惜收到的衣物。所以,请大家继续踊跃捐赠!!!

The December H2H Field Trip to Shandong

The trip to Shandong is one of the most memorable experiences in my life! Even after returning, I still find myself longing for the enjoyable moments with the adorable kids…

On December 5th, we boarded the high-speed train to Linyi, Shandong, while a truck carrying boxes of toys and daily necessities was already on its way. Shortly after arriving at Linyi station, we swiftly settled in and prepared to visit the first few kids.

It took us a while to pass through numerous apartments before we finally reached the chipped wall of a one story house. Despite the shabby appearance, the inside was adorned with cultural murals depicting the simple wishes of the local people. The house was home to our first boy. Unfortunately, the boy was suffering from Down’s Syndrome and also diagnosed with heart problems half a year ago. The family had been unable to afford the expensive surgery for the boy. However, thanks to Heart to Heart, the boy underwent surgery at Shanghai Yida Hospital and fully recovered. Now, we see a cheerful boy playing with the toys and stuffed animals. His eyes are full of hope and curiosity to explore the world around him—just like any other boy his age.

The next day, December 6th, brought another touching moment. We visited a local school filled with kindergarteners and primary school students. The adorable kids greeted us with smiles, lining up in anticipation. When we announced the donations and LEGOs we had prepared for them, their eyes sparkled.

“Have you guys played with LEGOs before?” we asked.
“I have!” shouted one kid.
“I haven’t!” replied another.

The crowd erupted into a sea of tiny hands as the kids eagerly reached for their gifts. Once they received their presents, they held them high above their heads, celebrating their unfiltered joy. The innocent and carefree kids truly healed my heart.

I’m really thankful for being part of all of this!
The journey to Shandong deepened my love for kids and strengthened my commitment to charity!
I will treasure these memories forever!
by Billy Li










A Magician Who Captivates His Audience

It’s usually a quiet time on the children’s ward and in the hospital playroom between January 1 and the start of the Spring Festival holiday.  Surgeries wind down as families are afraid to be “stuck” in Shanghai over the holiday.  Only the most critical children who can’t yet be released from the hospital are around.  The children dream of doing something – even if they don’t know what it is…..

Enter Elliot.  He’s a magician from Belgium who has traveled the world captivating audiences.  Although he specializes in corporate events for high-end brands, he asked if he could come to the hospital and perform for our little patients and their families one afternoon.  Of course, we accepted – knowing the children had never even known magic existed much less seen it first-hand.  With Elliot they got the chance up close and personal.

I’m not even sure the children understood what was happening at first.  But when little bunnies started appearing, disappearing and multiplying in their hands, their mouths began to open in wonder and then the clapping began.  When what seemed like hundreds of little red bunnies jumped out of Nana’s little fist, they screamed with delight.  And the show had them mesmerized from that point on.  Little Qiyuan is still holding (and sleeping with) the coin that seemed to bend in his closed fist.

This was a show they will never forget. Thank you, Elliot, for making the world a better place!  You certainly brought joy and excitement into some little lives that have recently known pain and fear in their hospital ordeals.  It was so good to see them happy!





Princess Oksana Visits the Playroom

The Heart to Heart playroom in Yida Hospital is a magical place for the H2H sponsored children each afternoon.  It is a place they can put their aches, pains and fears aside and enter the world of make believe.  They can play with toys that they have only dreamed about before.  And when a kind friend of Heart to Heart dresses up as a princess and visits the playroom for a few hours, the magical kingdom of their imaginations really takes off.  They experience something they’ve never even thought about before.  They are full of smiles and wonder.  Princess Oksana made a huge impression on the children and transported them to a whole new level of happiness.  We really appreciate her making her appearance and bringing the children this much joy.  They will treasure it for years to come.  Thank you Oksana!


4th Golf4Hearts Golf Tournament


The fourth annual Golf4Hearts golf tournament completed splendidly! Although attendance was slightly down in 2024, it was loads of fun and the funds for a child’s heart surgery were raised.

Interesting stats
– 14 teams/53 players
– Volunteers: 8 core staff + 10 daily recruits
– International playing field (10+ nationalities)
– Bears sold on the day: 31 heart bears 72 baby bears and 10 golf polo shirts

– 14支队伍/53名球员
志愿者:8名核心工作人员 + 每天10名热心志愿者

Building a tradition
Golf has always been a great marketing tool favored by businesses. If used properly, it can also do wonders for charitable purposes. That is the aim of Golf4Hearts as an annual golfing fiesta. So we encourage players and sponsors to contact us to lock in your slots for the 5th Golf4Hearts Golf Tournament. It will be #STRONGER #BETTER # FASTER


Warmest Appreciation & Recognition
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the staffs from Shanghai West GC for their hospitality and support. Also, we owe a lot to our team of dedicated volunteers. We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2025. Thank you for turning up for the 2024 tournament! Last, but not least, we’d like to say that we really appreciate our generous sponsors who showered us with gifts and wonderful resources.

List of sponsors

  1. Moonpala 西班牙火腿
  1. Riversdale Wines 酒业
  1. Gin & Tonic (Mr. Allan)
  1. Freewon福立旺
  1. 万木春服饰
  1. ROCKIT 乐淇苹果
  1. Alpha Dental
  1. 鸿福家族办公室 Hongfu Family Office
  1. Shanghai West Golf Club 上海光明高尔夫球场


1. Moonpala 西班牙火腿
2. Riversdale Wines 酒业
3. Gin & Tonic (Mr. Allan)
4. Freewon福立旺
5. 万木春服饰
6. ROCKIT 乐淇苹果
7. Alpha Dental
8. 鸿福家族办公室 Hongfu Family Office
9. Shanghai West Golf Club上海 光明高尔夫俱乐部

Early Invitations
We have recently formed an executive committee to ensure smooth operations for future golf related fundraiser events. Please contact us if you are keen to share your skills and resources towards this charitable cause. We are hoping to get our sponsors on board the concept of “Business for Good” and Golf for Hearts campaign. Do reach out to us if you see an opportunity for us to build strategic partnerships.

See you in 2025!



IHG Group Volunteering

For our global “Journey to Tomorrow” goal of improving the lives of 30 million people around the world, we are organizing “Giving for Good” volunteer activities.  They began in August 2024.  It is also long-term project that will contiune to be carried out in hotels throughout the Shanghai Intercontinental cluster hotels.

On August 16th, the IHG Shanghai Support Center, alongside HUALUXE Shanghai Changfeng Park, Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao, voco Suites Shanghai Hongqiao CBD, EVEN Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao CBD and Crowne Plaza Shanghai Pujiang collectively visited Shanghai Yida Hospital to participate in group volunteering with Heart to Heart Shanghai.   The IHG staff engaged in warehouse packing and a caring program with kids.  IHG representatives also visited post-operative children in the hospital whom they had sponsored for heart surgery.  IHG warmly engaged with the parents to check on the children’s recovery. They offered sincere wishes and encouragement for a swift recovery, bringing a bright smile to the children’s faces.

As these visits took place, other IHG volunteers sorted donated items. Despite the cramped storage space and everyone sweating profusely, the team worked for several hours to categorize all items. Smiles of joy and fulfillment were seen on every volunteer’s face reflecting the spirit of “Giving for Good”.

H2H is very glad IHG is working with us to help children with congenital heart disease!  Thanks IHG for all your efforts!







Featured Sponsor: IHG

Please tell us a little bit about your company

洲际酒店集团是全球领先的国际酒店集团,秉持“以善为本,以诚待客”的企业使 命。洲际酒店集团始终将可持续发展作为企业战略的重要组成部分,关爱员工、社区和地球,旗下超过6,500家酒店遍布全球100多个国家和地区。为了实现可持续发展目标,集团启动了“明日方洲”2030计划,该计划与联合国可持续发展目标相一致,通过一系列清晰、富有远见的承诺,为员工、社区和地球带来积极影响。

IHG Hotels & Resorts (IHG) is an international hospitality company, with a purpose to provide True Hospitality for Good. Together with our employees, guests and partners, IHG has always been committed to shaping the future of responsible travel. With more than 6,500 hotels in over 100 countries and regions worldwide, IHG has launched the “Journey to Tomorrow” 2030 responsible business plan. This plan aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, setting out a series of clear and far-reaching commitments to make a positive difference for people, communities, and the planet over the next decade.
Please let us know why you support H2H                         


As a global hotel group, we support children with congenital heart diseases because we believe that the next generation is our future. By investing in their well-being, we are not only changing their lives in a meaningful way but also helping them lead fulfilling lives. These children, once healthy, can socialize with other kids, thrive in school, and grow into active members of their communities. This aligns with our commitment to skills training and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) initiatives, ensuring that children in vulnerable situations have access to the resources and support they need.

How does it feel to sponsor children for heart surgery and to work with Heart to Heart?


这次探访标志着我们和心连心 在IHG的“传递美好”计划下更进一步的合作的开始。展望未来,我们来自上海地区的酒店和支持中心的同事每个月都将协助H2H进行捐赠物品的分类,并参与相关的筹款活动。通过全年支持这些有意义的活动,我们旨在创造持久而积极的影响,体现IHG对需要帮助的群体的关注和支持。

Working with Heart to Heart has been a deeply rewarding journey for us as a hotel group. On August 5th, we proudly donated RMB 150,000 to support life-changing surgeries for five children with congenital heart disease. This was followed by a heartfelt visit on August 16th, when volunteers from our Shanghai hotels and the support center spent time at Yida Hospital. During the visit, our team provided care and encouragement, participated in sorting and packing donated items, and engaged with other children in recovery, spreading joy and hope throughout the day.

This initiative marks the start of a broader commitment under IHG’s Giving for Good program. Looking ahead, our Shanghai-area hotels, along with support center colleagues, plan to make monthly visits to assist with sorting donations and to take part in ongoing initiatives to raise funds. By continuing these meaningful activities throughout the year, we aim to create a lasting and positive impact, embodying IHG’s dedication to caring for and uplifting those in need.


Thank You Gap / BBM Global!
For over 20 years Heart to Heart has been giving donated clothing, toiletries, toys, books, etc. to all of our sponsored children and their families when they are in the hospital for heart surgery.   Our little patients (and their accompanying adults) are all smiles when the bags are delivered.  It is a great service and much appreciated.  Since each bag generally contains over 50 new items, it takes a lot of companies and individuals working together to make the bags happen.  This month we’d like to thank GAP/BBM Global for being a steadfast sponsor of clothing for many, many years.  They have literally donated thousands of boxes of new clothing over the years.  Thank you from all the people you’ve made happy with those clothes!  We hope to cooperate with you for many years to come.

在过去的20多年里,Heart to Heart一直在为我们所有赞助的儿童及其家人在他们因心脏手术住院时提供捐赠的衣物、洗漱用品、玩具、书籍等。当我们的小患者(以及陪同的成年人)收到这些袋子时,他们都露出了笑容。这是一项非常棒的服务,深受大家的感激。由于每个袋子里通常包含超过50件新物品,因此需要许多公司和个人的共同努力才能实现这些袋子的分发。本月,我们要感谢GAP/BBM Global多年来作为衣物的坚定赞助者。他们多年来捐赠了成千上万箱的新衣物。感谢你们让所有收到这些衣物的人感到快乐!我们希望能与你们继续合作多年。

Featured Volunteer:  Arlyn Nacionales 

We moved to Shanghai in 2022 and for the first time since graduating from college, I found myself out of work. Although I volunteered while I was working, it was never a focus. Now that I will be able to focus, I wanted to volunteer for something meaningful.  After seeing a flyer about Heart to Heart, I researched their mission. With over 20 years of experience in the medical device industry, I knew I had found the perfect match for me.

“Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” Like many volunteers, I didn’t fully grasp the meaning of this quote until I started volunteering with Heart to Heart Shanghai. One day, while talking to other volunteers, it clicked. Despite juggling family, school, and work, they still found time to give back, embodying the essence of “just having the heart.” Their passion was contagious and it quickly inspired me.

At Heart to Heart, there are many ways to help, but I was especially drawn to the playroom. It’s a place where we directly interact with the children and families we support. Watching kids smile, play, and forget their challenges, even for a moment, is incredibly rewarding. Seeing parents relax, or even join in the fun, makes those moments even more special.




Upcoming Assembly Dates:
Tuesday, March 4               9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, March 11             9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, March 18             9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, March 25             9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, April 1                  9:30 – 12:30

   Address: 徐汇区龙漕路218号远大心胸医院3FL    

Welcome to Our New Volunteers!

New Playroom Volunteers
Amanda Tsui
Bella Trafford-Barton
Betty Ng
Bonnie Chan
David Mitford
Ding Huining
Erin Wang
Evelyn Mary King
Freddy Molina
Jaclyn Tech
Jessie Chai
Olivia Wright
Roosmarjin Van Der Marel
Sean Brown

New Assembly Volunteers
Amanda Tsui
Betty Ng
Caroline Wang
Danny Huang
David Mitford
Erin Wang
Freddie Molina
Jaclyn Tech
Jessie Chai

New Events Volunteers
Amanda Tsui
Betty Ng
Caroline Wang
David Mitford
Ding Huining
Erin Wang
Freddy Molina
Jaclyn Tech
Jesse Wang
Sharon Yu
Ying Yan

New Knitting Volunteers
Amanda Tsui
Erin Wang
Yiling Chen

Sign Up to be a Volunteer! 
Want to sign up to volunteer? Here is a new easy way! Just scan the QR Code and fill out the information. It takes less than a minute!
As of February 1 with your support 3,453 children (15 so far in 2025), 169 rural school libraries and 27 school sports equipment packages have been sponsored! 
Follow Us Online
In addition to our webpage at www.h2hsh.com, we are on WeChat.  Join us to share pictures and get updates!

Contact Us! 
General Information:  Karen Carrington   (infoh2h@rendefoundation.org)
Admin Team:  Karen Carrington
Annual Report:  Mei Kang
Assembly Manager (Yuanda Hospital):  Juliana Zeiske
Assembly Team Backups:  Mary Isobel, Sandra Powley
Assembly Manager (Yida Hospital):  Allan McDean
Book Sales:  Jaycee Zhang, Mary Isobel and Mei Kang
Chinese Language Communication Team:  Ella Liu, Freya Pan, Jie Huang, Lusia Lu, Mei Kang, Rose Ding & Yen-ling Von Meister
CSR and Group Volunteering Managers:  Lusia Lu
CSR and Group Volunteering Team:  Juliana Zeiske (Yuanda) & Allan McDean (Yida)
Events Manager:  Lusia Lu
Events Team Management Backup/Assistant:  Kris Wang and Lyn Wy
Executive Director:  Karen Carrington (execdirectorh2h@rendefoundation.org)
Field Trips:  Karen Carrington & Nancy Kong
Finance Team:  Jac Wang, Karen Carrington
Heart Bear Order Manager:  Juliana Zeiske
Knitting Manager:  Sophia Luo
Knitting Manager Backup:  Helen Anderson
Media and Marketing Manager:  Lusia Lu
New Volunteer Applications:  Patricia Prado
Newsletter Editor:  Debra Carter
Newsletter Proofreader:  Karen Carrington
On-line Projects Manager:  Nancy Kong
On-line Sales:  Alicia, Anita, Ceci, Celine, Debbie, Deirdre, May, Poi & Rebecca
Playroom Manager:   Jessie Yao
Playroom Backup:  Karen Carrington
Processes & Procedures:  Rina Mybourg
Project Management:  April Shi, Jordan Zhou and Ming Zhou
Sewing Team Manager:  Rina Mybourg
Sponsorship & Hospital Visits:  Karen Carrington
Webmasters:  Eric Wang (database), Jung-wo Lee (website) & Karen Carrington (content)
Website pictures (remote):  Lenel Roux
WeChat Account Manager:  Mei Kang

Many Ways to Support Us!
Did you know that Heart to Heart is a 100% volunteer organization?  With no paid staff we always need people to volunteer.  Here are just a few of the ways you can help us.

Visit Us at an Event

Donate Goods
Donate New or Gently Used Goods
Clothing, toys, toiletries, books, company swag – as long as it is not electronic or breakable, we will find a use for it.  Please contact infoh2h@rendefoundation.org.

Donate Your Time
Help out in our hospital playroom, join an assembly session, schedule a special group volunteering session for you and your coworkers, knit or sew bear clothes at home or with friends.  There are countless opportunities.  We definitely need your help!

Tell Your Friends About Us
Talk to a volunteer at an event and pass on the information. Bring a friend to a volunteer session. Enlist your friends from home to make a donation (contact our executive director to find out how you can make this happen).

Find Out More
Our mission is to provide support and financial assistance to Chinese children who require heart surgery and whose families cannot afford it.  We also provide financial assistance to rural Chinese schools which require additions to their libraries, sports equipment and other essentials. For more information visit our website (www.h2hsh.com).

Sign up to volunteer on our website.  Feel free to pass along the information to friends who may want to get involved.