Shanghai Centre Lockdown Auction As we all know, the lockdown produced many amazing positive stories. This is one for our kids.During lockdown, the staff at Shanghai Centre ran an auction for residents over WeChat. It was decided that 20% of the proceeds would be donated to a charitable organization and Heart to Heart chosen as the ultimate beneficiary. We started at 4 one Sunday afternoon and as the evening wore on with 68 items up for auction, encouragement and humorous banter were playing big parts to get more bids and more money for items. While a 20% donation was agreed at the start, this soon changed to 50% for value over the reserve, with a few sellers donating 100% of their proceeds to H2H. Items included Moutai, wine, teapots, whiskey, kids’ toys, bikes, artwork and more. A Heart to Heart bear made especially for this event raised RMB 700. A big thank you to Sophia and Linda for getting the bear to me in time. Thanks also to an eagle-eyed Helen since the bear almost left us without the signature heart sewn onto the outfit, but this was rectified at the eleventh hour. As proceeds were growing to 18k, 22k, 25k, it was mentioned that an operation for a child would cost RMB 30,000 and a push was made to get to RMB 30,000. More direct donations started pouring in and we ended up making an outstanding RMB 35,000. It was a great and exciting event and special thanks should go to Byron Kan at Shanghai Centre for arranging and running the auction and all the residents for supplying items and encouraging buyers to open their wallets a little further for Heart to Heart. by Katrina Herring 众所周知,有许多美丽又积极的故事发生在上海隔离期间。这个故事是致于我们的孩子的。 在封锁期间,上海中心的工作人员通过微信为居民举行了一次内部拍卖。 大家决定将拍卖中百分之二十的收益捐给一个慈善组织,其中,”上海心连心 “被选为最终受益者。我们从一个周日的下午4点开始,随着时间的推移,到了晚上一共有68件物品被拍卖。在不断的鼓励和幽默的调侃下,我们为每件拍卖物品争取更高的出价和金额。 虽然一开始商定的是每件拍卖物将捐赠百分之二十的收益,这很快就变成了超过底价百分之五十的收益捐赠,还有几个卖家把百分之百的收益捐给了H2H。拍卖物品包括茅台,葡萄酒,茶壶,威士忌,儿童玩具,自行车,艺术品等等。 特别为这次活动制作的爱心小熊也筹集了700元人民币。非常感谢 Sophia 和 Linda 能将小熊及时送到我手中。也要感谢眼尖的Helen,因为我们送走小熊的时候差点忘记把心连心著名的爱心标签缝在小熊的衣服上,但这在最后时刻得到了纠正。 当收益增长从1.8万、到2.2万、再到2.5万的时候,有人提到一个孩子做心脏手术需要3万元人民币,于是大家开始努力争取达到3万元人民币。很快,拍卖外直接的捐款开始涌入,我们最终取得了35,000元人民币的了不起的成绩。 这是一个伟大而激动人心的活动,我们想要特别感谢上海中心的Byron Kan的安排和拍卖会主持,感谢所有居民提供物品并鼓励买家为 “心连心 “的每一份捐赠。 |